History of Telecommunications on Stamps・切手に関する通信の歴史・通信切手の歴史・5冊/J.F.ROSS/1978年/英語表記/図版豊富
History of Telecommunications on Stamps・切手に関する通信の歴史・通信切手の歴史・5冊/J.F.ROSS/1978年/英語表記/図版豊富
History of Telecommunications on Stamps・切手に関する通信の歴史・通信切手の歴史・5冊/J.F.ROSS/1978年/英語表記/図版豊富
1978年 部数は少なそうです。資料用にもいかがでしょうか。
Introduction Postage stamps issued on the subject of telecommunications many nations to commemorate inventions, developments, hievements and events and also to honour organisations, atitutions and individuals offer a visual record of the progress of aanised communications. All forms of communications have vided in the advancement of civilisation and it is natural that the subiect should feature prominently in many stamp designs.
For centuries it has been the natural desire of man to make his thoughts known or send information to distant places. This desire gave birth to telecommunications but in the process many curious devices have been developed. The name telecommunications is now applied, as a general title, to those branches of electrical engineering which concern themselves with the communication of information.
Man's resourcefulness has displayed itself in the great variety of means of communication he has discovered, ranging from fire smoke, drums, horns, flags, heliograph and other visual and acoustic systems to the most sophisticated electronic equipment of telegraphy, radiocommunications, broadcasting and television. He has adapted these scientific facilities so that his messages travel beneath the oceans, over the surface of the earth, via the ionosphere and more recently through outer space.
Not so very long ago telecommunications were considered to be useful, but not necessarily essential to man. Before the advent of electrical systems of communication people conversed with each other, wrote messages, watched plays and listened to musical recitals long before anyone thought of using electricity to transmit these functions to a remote distance. Today, there are still many activities which could be conducted, even though somewhat inefficiently, without modern telecommunications. However, when we are dealing with human activities in extraterrestrial space, telecommunications are essential. This fact profoundly changes their relationship with man.
1978年 部数は少なそうです。資料用にもいかがでしょうか。
Postage stamps issued on the subject of telecommunications many nations to commemorate inventions, developments, hievements and events and also to honour organisations, atitutions and individuals offer a visual record of the progress of aanised communications. All forms of communications have vided in the advancement of civilisation and it is natural that the subiect should feature prominently in many stamp designs.
For centuries it has been the natural desire of man to make his thoughts known or send information to distant places. This desire gave birth to telecommunications but in the process many curious devices have been developed. The name telecommunications is now applied, as a general title, to those branches of electrical engineering which concern themselves with the communication of information.
Man's resourcefulness has displayed itself in the great variety of means of communication he has discovered, ranging from fire smoke, drums, horns, flags, heliograph and other visual and acoustic systems to the most sophisticated electronic equipment of telegraphy, radiocommunications, broadcasting and television. He has adapted these scientific facilities so that his messages travel beneath the oceans, over the surface of the earth, via the ionosphere and more recently through outer space.
Not so very long ago telecommunications were considered to be useful, but not necessarily essential to man. Before the advent of electrical systems of communication people conversed with each other, wrote messages, watched plays and listened to musical recitals long before anyone thought of using electricity to transmit these functions to a remote distance. Today, there are still many activities which could be conducted, even though somewhat inefficiently, without modern telecommunications. However, when we are dealing with human activities in extraterrestrial space, telecommunications are essential. This fact profoundly changes their relationship with man.